About Us
DE Solutions, Inc. is a professional services company serving the needs of the distributed energy marketplace. Our services include application engineering, management, market analyses, technology assessments, business and market strategy support, and technology deployment assistance. Our client base includes equipment suppliers, project developers, utilities, government agencies, research organizations and end users. DE Solutions, Inc. is a California certified small business
The capabilities of DE Solutions and its staff are grounded in actual project development and operations experience. Our broad experience base includes on-site generation, energy efficiency, district energy systems, microgrids, distributed generation technologies and market opportunities, electric industry deregulation issues and trends, environmental policy and permitting issues, distributed energy system design, implementation and operation. DE Solutions staff has played key roles in the research, development, and commercialization of distributed energy technologies, and has experience with the application of these technologies in the field.

DE Solutions
1794 Kyle Court
Nipomo, CA 93444
Office: (805) 343-0348